For any citizen of the United States of America reading this article I want to make one thing clear; none of what I am about to say applies to you.
Americans have treated me absolutely fine throughout my entire life. In fact, when I was spending time across the pond years ago and the family I was staying with needed help, I watched on as ordinary Americans rallied around to help their family, neighbour and friend.
Americans, in my experience, are good, honest, caring people. I have many friends in America and no doubt some of them will read this. I certainly hope so.
The people I am addressing in this article are those in power in the US who Julian Assange would say are, “those regrettable elements in it that hate truth liberty and justice.”
This article is directed toward you.
Everybody hates you, America. Everybody. Absolutely every country on this planet hates you.
Not just those who are your presumed enemies in Russia and China, or those countries in the middle East, Africa and South America who you’ve been sanctioning and bombing into submission in order to steal their resources for decades while assissinating any person, in other sovereign nations or or at home, who was a threat to your hegemony over this planet. Not just those countries, but all of your allies hate you, too.
The French hate you, America. They really do. The French fucking hate your guts. So do the Germans, the Italians and the Dutch. The rest of Europe hate you too, especially those who know you blew up Nordstream and are responsible for the de-industrialization of their continent.
The British hate you for sure. Even my mom hates you, and she’s the loveliest 80-year old you could ever meet without a bad bone in her body.
Everybody hates you, including your allies.
In fact, you don’t really have allies at all.
The whole Epstein/Maxwell trafficking-children-to-nobody saga, where none of their rich and powerful clients were even named in public let alone prosecuted in an obvious honey-trap blackmail operation run by US and Israeli intelligence services, exposed this truth to the world.
You don’t have allies, you have vassal states that you hold hostage with threats of blackmail. If any country does not succumb to your whim, whatever that may be, the file comes out and a threat of the video tapes appearing on the internet or the pictures appear in ze papers follows, or maybe a gas pipeline critical to your country and continent gets blown to kingdom come.
Make no mistake about it, The United States of America bombs and sanctions its enemies, and blackmails its friends.
No country on this planet joins a military alliance with the United States because they are afraid of what China or Russia will do if they don’t, they only join an alliance with America because they’re afraid of what The UNITED STATES will do if they don’t!
And in the UK, where Julian Assange is being held in prison serving no sentence for no crime, it is no different.
In the UK, Julian Assange is being held in prison awaiting extradition to the United States for publishing the truth about their war crimes, war crimes including the murder and subsequent cover-up of journalists, the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service is refusing to release the full documentation of communications between their offices and the United States during the time Julian Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy. (note – Sir Keir Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service during this time.)
The reason they will not release this information is to do so “would have a chilling effect on extraditions worldwide.”
When journalist Stefania Maurizi appealed this denial of Freedom of Information, the head the CPS denied access to it again, saying that the “chilling effect” to extraditions worldwide is worse now than in 2017, but the reason given is redacted:
Two questions sprung to mind when I saw that document. Firstly, how can any country call itself a democracy while being so secretive about a matter that is clearly of such importance to the general public and in their interest?
And secondly, what else could this reason be, that to tell us what the US said to the CPS would have a “chilling effect” on extraditions worldwide, other than the United States of America blackmailing its closest ally? Or worse, threatenining it with all out war, should they refuse to extradite a journalist whose only crime is he published the truth?
If the United States can do this, if they can criminalize good journalism and reach into another countries’ borders to punish any person telling the truth about their crimes and criminal activity, they are not only destroying democracy worldwide, they are crossing a line that fascists cross.
For the United Kingdom to even consider extraditing a journalist to his certain torture and death at the hands of fascists because he did good journalism, must mean what these fascists are threatening them with information so explosive, it could bring the entire nation to its knees.
And if those regrettable elements within the US government that hate truth liberty and justice are doing this abroad, blackmailing their closest allies into torturing people for telling the truth, what do you think they are doing with their politicians and ruling elite at home?
Remember, President Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane 26 times. What do you think he was doing on those trips? And why has no journalist ever seriously questioned him about it?
Is the only way a person gets to any position of power in the United States if the intelligence community has leverage over them?
Remember, these are the people that will not under any circumstances release the JFK files, no matter how mch they promise to do it when on the campaign trail. Not that the world doesn’t know who killed him already, of course. These are the people that tried to get Martin Luther King to kill himself. A lot of people say these people eventually completed that job themselves. It’s the same people that lied about the Gulf of Tonkin, incubator babies and weapons of mass destruction, in order to start wars that cost millions of lives.
These are the same people whose explanation for why 9/11 wasn’t stopped was that they were tracking all of the hijackers (who toppled 3 buildings in New York with 2 planes) for years when they were in other countries, but stopped tracking them the moment the hijackers entered the United States and didn’t tell anybody, let alone the FBI.
That’s their OFFICIAL story!
Do you think, knowing this track record for lying, that the United States should be the arbiters of truth worldwide? Do you think they can be trusted to tell the truth about anything at all?
The regrettable elements within the US government that hate truth liberty and justice have lied so much for so long that I believe Assange is right, when all is exposed, 98% of Washington will fall.
If, however, Julian Assange is extradited to fascists in America it won’t just mean his certain death, it will be the death of your right to know the truth. It will be the death of Western democracy and the death of UK sovereignty. It will be the death of freedom.
For until Julian Assange is free, none of us will be.