It’s on the rise, apparently. Antisemitism. They’ve all done their research, and every so-called “news” outlet and presstitute in the UK are in agreement. They say it’s just getting worse.

They’ve all looked into it and all agree. When I say, “looked into it”, I mean they’ve “repeated government propaganda without question” and are now unanimous in the opinion that antisemitism is “rife in the UK.”

Do you know what I think about that? Do you know what I think about our so-called “media” reporting a “rise of antisemitism” in the UK?

I think that’s all a load of old bollocks, isn’t it?

You see, propaganda, as I have explained many times before, is not just the lies that our repeaters in the media talk about most often, but what is most pertinent and truthful, yet seldom spoken.

Ask anybody who understands how the world has worked for the last 50 years and you’ll undoubtedly hear them mention “the Petrodollar” within seconds, and they would be 100% correct. The Petrodollar has driven the global economy and has been the driving factor behind US foreign policy, yet it is something I cannot recollect EVER hearing from so-called “experts” on mainstream media channels in the UK.

Not once. Not during or after the 2008 crash when they printed trillions to inject it into a giant ponzi scheme to keep the system afloat, and definitely not when the US is talks about “bringing democracy” to any country as soon as it discovers a drop of oil.

It’s incredible, isn’t it?

It’s like having a history teacher detailing the lead up to World War 2 without ever mentioning the invasion of Poland.

And just as when the liars for hire in Western legacy media fail to mention the Petrodollar when they talk about the global economy, or Jeffrey Epstein and his links to Western intelligence agencies when they talk about global child trafficking, or Julian Assange when they talk about a free press and free speech, they now miss out a giant piece of information when they talk about “antisemitism”.

They fail to remind you that in 2016 they changed the definition.

You remember, right? In 2016? When the UK media told you the government and UK Labour Party had adopted “the internationally recognized IHRA working definition of anstisemitism”?

Right there is why there has been a rise in instances of antisemitism in the UK. That’s the reason, your honour. They changed the definition of it. It’s not because people in the UK have suddenly started hating the Jews. That’s absurd.

Now, I am not suggesting for a second that there aren’t any disgusting racists like that within these shores, there are, and I deplore them as I do all racists. However, the main reason for this “rise” in antisemitic hate, is the definition of antisemitism was changed.

The definition was changed and the lines were blurred so much that any criticism of Israel, an Apartheid state, were included in the figures.

Gee, what a surprise?

You change the definition of antisemitism to and take any instances of people criticising Israel, an illegal military occupation operating a brutal system of apartheid worse than anything seen in South Africa during the 70’s, you change the definition and take complaints of that nature serious, then act surprised and worried when there’s an increase in recorded “instances of antisemitism”?

If we changed the definition of “rapist” to “any man who ever gave a woman a compliment”, would you be surprised if allegations of sexual assault went through the roof?

It’s ridiculous! Whatever next?

You’ll have David Baddiel inferring the Pope is antisemitic if you’re not careful with this nonsense!

Oh, wait….

Any media outlet that focuses on a supposed rise of antisemitism without mentioning the definition was changed in 2016, which led to Zionists weaponising it in an attempt to smear any person who criticised Israel as a racist, then that media outlet or personality is lying to you by omission.

Especially if his name is David Baddiel.

And I am betting you that right now those same outlets and liars for hire who are talking endlessley about his apparent rise in antisemitism, are simultaneously eerily silent on Al Jazeera’s “Labour Files” documentary. A hypocrisy which only brings there own racism into the spotlight.

No. The UK’s “rise in antisemitism” is not down to the average person in the UK suddenly deciding they hate the Jews, that’s nonsense. The reason for any “rise in antisemitism” reported in the UK is simple:

They changed the definition of antisemitism, then incorporated any criticism of a system of Apartheid, the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation, in the figures.

And any UK media outlet or so-called “journalist” who has not highlighted this should never be trusted again.